Relationship challenges can leave many of us at a loss – how can we fix problems between ourselves and our spouse, within our families, or with other members of the Body of Christ in a way that honors God and affirms the other person? In The LOVE Approach, Peggy Hartshorn gives readers a time-tested, biblically-based tool that can turn difficult relationships around.
Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family
This gem of a book, written in parable form, makes good on its promise! By diligently using the four steps of The L.O.V.E Approach, Peggy Hartshorn offers readers a path that makes relationships happier, restores broken ones, and builds new ones on the solid foundation of trust. Applicable to any situation or setting that involves you and someone else, this tried and true method is transformative! It has blessed me abundantly!
Johnnette Benkovic Williams, EWTN Television and Radio Host; Founder and Director, Women of Grace
Dr. Peggy’s The L.O.V.E. Approach is a lifesaver; love never fails.
Evangelist Alveda C. King, Civil Rights for the Unborn
There is literally nobody in the world who does not need what is in this book. Life is about relationships; so is love, freedom, happiness, religion, and salvation. And relationships are about hard work. All of us, at one time or another, have a relationship we’re not sure how to handle or a problem we’re not sure how to solve.
With wisdom drawn from the Word of God, from her own experience, and from the lives of numerous people who have utilized these steps, my friend and colleague Dr. Peggy Hartshorn reveals to us in The LO.V.E. Approach, a concrete path to strengthening relationships and solving problems.
This approach has literally saved lives, as it is used in the pregnancy center movement, and has transformed lives in many other arenas of human experience.
This is not just a book that you read. It is a challenge you accept, a journey you embrace, with a commitment to work hard, and to face uncomfortable things you’d rather run away from. But perhaps the biggest challenge is that it’s an invitation to hope, that indeed, things do not have to remain as they are. After all, and as God’s Word says, LOVE is stronger than death (see Song of Songs 8:6).
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life; President, National Pro-life Religious Council
The Pro-Life Generation can learn a lot from the thoughtful book The L.O.V.E. Approach, written by the inspiring Dr. Peggy Hartshorn. One of our most significant goals is training up this generation of leaders to be effective in advancing a culture of life in relationships, at school, at work, and in our society at large. The skills that Peggy teaches for critical thinking and loving decision making will make a difference for this generation as they combine practical problem solving with loving hearts.
Kristan Hawkins; President, Students for Life of America
Conversations today too often can divide and polarize us. This is especially tragic within families, ministries, and churches. The issues are tough. How do we solve problems, "share the truth in love," and preserve important relationships? The L.O.V.E. Approach provides the answer!The 4 steps of The L.O.V.E. Approach are the answer! Thank you, Dr. Peggy Hartshorn, for introducing us to this simple but powerful tool. I highly recommend The L.O.V.E. Approach book to all leaders who want to strengthen relationships and problem solving in their personal and professional lives.
The Honorable Bob McEwen, U.S. House of Representatives, Former Member, Ohio
The beauty of The L.O.V.E. Approach is not only that it works so effectively, but that Peggy Hartshorn has modeled this message in her personal and professional life for decades. God has given the Church a real opportunity with this tool to revolutionize the way we meet people at their point of need, help them through their immediate challenge, and see them come out on the other side more aware than ever of His irresistible, unfailing love.
John Wootton, Ohio Ministry Network Superintendent, Assemblies of God
Dr. Peggy Hartshorn’s The L.O.V.E. Approach is a courageous and compassionate guidebook for all Christians who desperately want to show the love of Jesus to their friends and family. Too many people today have bought the lie that we must compromise God’s eternal truth to properly love our neighbors, but Peggy offers a Gospel-centered path forward for believers to hold fast to timeless truth, and boldly live for and share the love of Christ in a hostile culture. Fearless and grace-filled, The L.O.V.E. Approach will inspire the young and old to step into a broken world in need of unconditional love.”
Aaron Baer, President, Citizens for Community Values
This book should be an indispensable resource for students and professionals in human services and health care fields who serve others with a range of life challenges. Readers will learn crucial communication skills to help people to solve their own problems!
Martha Shuping, M.D., M.A., Psychiatrist
President, Ashford Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
This book is truly revelatory! Peggy writes compassionately about what she knows personally and professionally—how to L.O.V.E. She provides an illuminating look into how we communicate and effectively shows us ways to do it better. Relevant narratives throughout the book that inspire empathy and compel us to see difficult situations differently. The Book of Corinthians tells us without Love, we are nothing. Peggy shows us that without The L.O.V.E. Approach, we miss out on the possibility of changing everything.
Ryan Bomberger, Founder and President, The Radiance Foundation
What a wonderful book! The L.O.V.E. Approach is written in an engaging and impactful manner, filled with insight and inspiration. This book is a must read for anyone that would like to positively transform their interpersonal relationships with those they ‘love’ and those with whom they may differ.
John Murphy, Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Founder/CEO of Active Allies, LLC
The L.O.V.E. Approach is to relationships, what a guided exercise plan is to conditioning, muscle-tone and healthy habits. It's a guided work-out plan for the winsome heart— full of instruction, demonstration, and practical exercises. For the loving heart, The L.O.V.E. Approach will show you how to “bring it” to conflict resolution and crisis intervention. Powerful.
Rev. John Ensor, Author; President, PassionLife Ministries
Our pregnancy help medical clinics in Miami have relied on The L.O.V.E. Approach since our founding 13 years ago. These four simple but powerful steps have helped thousands of women and couples in turmoil find solutions and hope as they face life-and-death choices for their babies. We use the same steps to guide them to resolve problems, find answers, and build relationships that will assist them as they embark into parenthood. The L.O.V.E. Approach method is life saving and life changing! I am thrilled that these four steps are now available to the broader Christian community! Couples, families, ministries, small groups, leaders, churches – everyone will now be able to take advantage of the tremendous blessings that come from using The L.O.V.E. Approach!
Martha Avila, President, Heartbeat of Miami
Why continue struggling with communication in difficult situations when you can have a highly-effective, step-by-step method to revolutionize your interaction with others: The L.O.V.E. Approach. Dr. Peggy Hartshorn's indispensable book utilizes compelling stories to illustrate four amazingly simple, yet profound steps that bring hope to seemingly hopeless situations. After reading, you'll wonder how you ever managed without The L.O.V.E. Approach! I've had Peggy teach her L.O.V.E. Approach to thousands of attendees at events I've organized because it really works!
David Bereit, Founder/Former CEO, 40 Days for Life; Strategic Advisor, Leadership Mentor
I’m certain that Dr. Peggy Hartshorn’s The L.O.V.E. Approach will prove to be a vital asset for many ministries striving to help others facing a crisis or struggles in their lives. I highly recommend it!
Brad Mattes, President, Life Issues Institute
Dr. Peggy Hartshorn has given the world a treasured gift in her new book, The L.O.V.E. Approach. Using her vast experience in building relational bridges in complex situations, Peggy reveals how caring people can learn to listen better, offer realistic options, clarify positive vision and empower those they care about in any setting. If you want help in a challenging relationship with a family member, friend or colleague, this book is for you! These four simple yet profound steps have been used successfully for decades in the pregnancy help movement, and now families, churches, schools, businesses -- literally anyone wanting to build strong relationships and experience authentic connections – can do so! This book came at the right time for our fractured culture. We need The L.O.V.E. Approach!
Carrie Abbott, President, The Legacy Institute; Host, Relationship Insights Radio and Podcast
Communication is art and craft in the best of circumstances, but even more so when the chips are down: in crisis or loss, where there's anger or fear, when there is resistance even to engage, etc. When we lack method at these times, is it any wonder our outcomes are less than desired? The four steps of The L.O.V.E. Approach--Listen & Learn, Open Options, Vision & Values, Extend & Empower--are an easy-to-remember yet powerful framework for communication in any situation: family, workplace, and counseling, including those involving significant tension or conflict. And with the use of narrative to illustrate the key tenets, Dr. Peggy Hartshorn's book makes the approach easy to absorb and apply. I couldn't recommend this proven model more strongly.
Zeke Swift, Principal, Sage Partnership; Founder, Southern Africa HIV-AIDS Collaboration